Refuge Claim

Welcome to Land2Canada, your trusted ally in seeking refuge in this welcoming and compassionate nation.

A Path to Safety and Hope

Refugee Claim Canada

Welcome to Land2Canada, your trusted ally in seeking refuge in this welcoming and compassionate nation. Canada is known for its commitment to providing sanctuary to those in need, and we are here to help you navigate the process of making a refugee claim with dignity and compassion.


Canada for Your Refugee Claim

Canada is renowned for its inclusive policies and dedication to protecting human rights. If you are facing persecution, violence, or other forms of danger in your home country, Canada provides a safe haven where you can rebuild your life. Here’s why you should consider making a refugee claim in Canada

Humanitarian Values

Canada is a global leader in providing refuge to those in need, offering protection to individuals fleeing persecution, conflict, or danger.

Fair and Compassionate Process

The Canadian refugee system is known for its fairness and respect for the rights and dignity of claimants.

Access to Services

Refugees in Canada have access to healthcare, education, and social services to help them integrate and thrive.

Permanent Residency

Successful refugee claimants have the opportunity to obtain permanent residency in Canada and build a stable future for themselves and their families.

Frequently Ask Questions

Here are some common questions about making a Refugee Claim in Canada

  • qWho is eligible to make a refugee claim in Canada?

    Anyone in Canada, regardless of their immigration status, can make a refugee claim if they fear persecution or harm in their home country.

  • qWhat is the process for making a refugee claim?

    The process involves several steps, including submitting a claim, attending interviews and hearings, and providing evidence to support your claim. It's essential to seek legal representation and advice.

  • qHow long does the refugee claim process take?

    Processing times can vary depending on the complexity of your case, your location in Canada, and other factors. It's essential to be patient and prepared for a potentially lengthy process.

  • qCan I work in Canada while my refugee claim is pending?

    Yes, in most cases, you can apply for a work permit while your refugee claim is being processed, allowing you to support yourself during this time.

  • qCan my family join me in Canada if my refugee claim is successful?

    Yes, if your claim is approved, you may be eligible to sponsor your immediate family members to join you in Canada.

  • qWhat happens if my refugee claim is denied?

    If your claim is denied, you may have the option to appeal the decision or seek other forms of legal recourse. It's crucial to consult with a legal professional for guidance.

Still Have Questions?


Seeking Safety and Hope in Canada?

At Land2Canada, we understand the challenges and uncertainties you face as a refugee claimant. We are committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need to navigate the process successfully.


Contact us today to start your journey toward making a Refugee Claim in Canada. Safety, protection, and a new beginning await you here.


Immigration & Visa Categories

When you choose Land2Canada Immigration Consulting, you’re choosing a partner who is genuinely invested in your immigration journey. We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your Canadian dream. Contact us today to get started on your path to a brighter future in Ontario, Canada.

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